Ali Farhat

Ali Farhat photoPh.D. Student, Chemical Engineering, Advanced Water Management Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
MSc. Water and Environmental Engineering, Masdar Institute for Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE
B.Sc., Chemistry, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon


In September 2009, Ali started his master’s degree in Dr. F. Ahmad’s group in the Water and Environmental Engineering at Masdar Institute (MI) and defended his thesis in June 2011. His MSc thesis titled “New Methods for The Identification and Quantification of Nitrate, Nitrite, And Perchlorate in Natural and Engineered Systems” involved significant work on Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and an application on Bio-Electrochemical systems (BESs), mainly Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs).

Ali worked as a Research Engineer in Dr. Arafat’s group for about 14 months starting July 2011, working on Membrane desalination. In this research, he worked on the removal of boron in new generation reverse osmosis (RO) membranes using two-pass RO configurations and without pH adjustment. In September 2012, he worked as Teaching Assistant (TA) at MI for the Membrane Technology course until January 2013.

Starting 2013, Ali Farhat joined Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC) at the University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, Australia, to pursue his PhD studies in Chemical Engineering. His current research project is investigating “A New Generation of Advanced Oxidation Technologies: Electro-generated Sulfate Radicals for Complete Destruction of Persistent Pollutants”.

When not in the lab, Ali would be running in the field, playing soccer or basketball or even just practicing running. Besides being very passionate about playing sports, Ali has another passion for art, history, and geopolitics.


Achievement Highlights

2013 – The University of Queensland International Scholarship (UQI), Brisbane, Australia, for studying PhD in Chemical Engineering

2012 – Leadership Award as Young Leader at the Young Future Energy Leaders Program (YFEL).

2011 - High Academic Distinction for graduating with GPA 4.0/4.0, Masdar Institute for Science and Technology (M.I.), Abu Dhabi, UAE

2009 – The Masdar Institute for Science and Technology Full Scholarship, for studying MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering and Full Research Living Allowance Scholarship

2005 – Lebanese American University (LAU) Full Merit Scholarship for studying BSc in Chemistry



Farhat, A., F. Ahmad, N. Hilal, and H. Arafat. 2012. Boron removal in new generation reverse osmosis (RO) membranes using two-pass RO without pH adjustment, Desalination,10.1016/j.desal.2012.10.003.

Farhat A., F. Ahmad, Arafat, H. 2012. Analytical Techniques for Boron Quantification Supporting Desalination Processes: A Review. 2012. Desalination, 10.1016/j.desal.2011.12.020.

Abdallah T., A. Farhat, A. Diabat, S. Kennedy, Green Supply Chains with Carbon Trading and Environmental Sourcing: Formulation and Life Cycle Assessment. 2011. Applied Mathematical Modeling. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2011.11.056

M.R. Al-Shehhi, R. Saffarini, A. Farhat, N.K. Al-Meqbali, H. Ghedira, Evaluating the effect of soil moisture, surface temperature, and humidity variations on MODIS-derived NDVI values, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2011, pp. 3160-3163.  10.1109/IGARSS.2011.6049889

Farhat A., A. Dooley, F. Ahmad. 2011. Nitrite oxidation in ion chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (IC-ESI-MS/MS), Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 46:720-724. doi: 10.1002/jms.1949

Farhat A., M.N. Atiyeh, M. Mieseler, J.R. Bastidas-Oyanedel, F. Ahmad. 2012. Bio-cathodic perchlorate reduction and chlorine isotope fractionation. Submitted to International Journal of Environmental Engineering, in review.

Mieseler M., M. Atiyeh, A. Farhat, H. Hernandez, F. Ahmad. 2012. Direct Enrichment of an Electroactive Perchlorate-Reducing Community for Biocathodes. Submitted to Journal of Applied Environmental Microbiology, in review.

Farhat, A., F. Ahmad, N. Hilal, and H. Arafat. 2013. Boron removal in new generation reverse osmosis (RO) membranes using two-pass RO without pH adjustment, 1st International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, Barcelona, Spain.

Farhat A., F. Ahmad, H. Arafat. 2012. Partial Boron Removal in Reverse Osmosis (RO) Operations Using Two-Pass RO Without pH Adjustment. EUROMEMBRANE 2012 Conference, London, United Kingdom. (Accepted)

Farhat A., F. Ahmad, H. Arafat. 2011. Analytical Techniques for Boron Quantification Supporting Desalination Processes. The First International Conference on Desalination and Environment: A Water Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Farhat A., F. Ahmad M.N. Atiyeh, M. Mieseler. 2011. Stable Isotope Fractionation of Perchlorate and Bromate During Biocathodic Treatment in a Bioelectro-Chemical System for Water Treatment. The 2011 International Conference on Water, Energy and the Environment (ICWEE), Sharjah, UAE.

Bastidas-Oyanedel J.R., Farhat A., M.N. Atiyeh, M. Mieseler, F. Ahmad. 2011. Bioelectrochemical Single Chamber Reactor: Enrichment of Autotrophic Perchlorate Reduction for Water Treatment.ICWEE Conference, Sharjah, UAE.

Farhat A., M.N. Atiyeh, M. Hintz, F. Ahmad. 2011. Stable isotope fractionation of perchlorate during bio-cathodic treatment in a bioelectrochemical system.In: Proceedings, Microbial Resource Management in Biotechnology: Concepts & Applications, Ghent, Belgium.

Ahmad, F., M.N. Atiyeh, M. Miesler, A. Farhat. 2011. Bio-Electrochemical Systems (BESs) for the Reduction of Nitrate and Perchlorate. 1st Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium, sponsored by The National Academies (US), Kuwait City, Kuwait.